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Easy. Enjoyable. Exciting.

(And reading the book is even better!)

Every book is unique and every client is different. But all successful collaborative and ghostwritten works have one feature in common: they're enjoyable to produce and a pleasure to read!


1. The Beginning


Usually, a ghostwritten book begins with a discussion about its content, its intended audience, and its style. That discussion takes place by email, Skype, Zoom, or by phone, whichever is more convenient to the client.

The client then sends the writer any research or background material to help clarify the topic. Talks given by the client reveal their voice and are particularly useful.


The writer and the client then agree on a table of contents. Some clients know exactly what they want in the book; others ask the writer to create the table of contents for them.

It's also a good idea for the client to review the first chapter to make sure that the style matches their own.


2. The Middle


The two sides agree on a timetable for delivery, and the writer gets to work. Some clients like to see chapters at milestones; others prefer to wait until the entire manuscript is ready. If the writer has any questions, particularly about their own anecdotes and experiences, the client is happy to fill in the details.


3. The End... And A Whole New Beginning!


Finally, the client reviews the completed manuscript. They may then ask for changes but usually the client publishes the book or chooses to share it with clients and friends... before coming back to the ghostwriter for a sequel.

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